
I don’t want to be forced to share my space with men

I care because I don’t want to be forced to share my space with men. As a general rule I avoid them everywhere, I don’t have male friends anymore and I’m so much happier. I don’t like my language being policed. I don’t like watching women being earased. Our culture matters. Our lives matter. I…

I care about women’s boundaries

I care about women’s boundaries in prisons, changing rooms, etc. I also am against children being taught that gender stereotypes are more important that sex. I have got rape and death threats in social media. Ana J, Spain

I dedicate all my time to a fight for equality

This matters to me because it’s important to recognise women as a social/political/legal class. Without it, you can’t have an effective political movement. To erase the definition of a woman and replace it with a feeling serves to entrench sexism even further into our collective thinking which makes it harder to fight with sexist stereotypes…

I fear that a lot of young lesbians will be growing up confused

I have a lot of reasons but this matters to me because I feel like I am 12 again, in the closet, afraid to come out as a lesbian out of fear. This is the exact same thing, now I fear I would lose more friends and that I’ll be labeled transphobic by just saying…

This really matters to women rights

This really matters to women rights. As long as the Transgender and Gender-ism exists, there would be no women right nor the safety of women. I have participated in seminars in Korea, having debates with people around or on the internet, spreading the critical inconsistency of it. I have been troubled with my friends or…

The LGBT community is following gender theory in a very dogmatic manner

I care because I believe that the LGBT community is following gender theory in a very dogmatic manner, without even stopping to consider alternatives or thinking critically about it. As a lesbian, who is becoming aware of how this potentially damage young people and women, I’d like my community to have a more rational and…

Women and girls are being denied their right to demand privacy

I care about this issue because it scares me how blind so many people are to a very high risk situation – which is that women and girls are being denied their right to demand privacy. I have made blog posts, discussed on social media, and spoke to family & friends. I’ve lost a few…

As a lesbian I’ve seen the negative effects all around me

I care because I’m worried for the safety for woman. Especially as a lesbian I’ve seen the negative effects all around me. When I was a teenager I was involved in queer trans activist discussions online and those spaces pushed me into wanting to transition. I’m lucky that I found gender critical thoughts before I…

I am afraid of my hardly won rights being taken away from me

As a woman, I am afraid of my hardly won rights being taken away from me. I also think vulnerable women will seriously be harmed by this ideology which will ultimately do nothing but to enforce gender stereotypes. I have written on social media about this subject and started supporting feminist organisations trying to protect…

I care because they lie

I care for two reasons, one is emotional and the other factual. I care because women’s rights are constantly challenged. And I care because they lie. No, it is not true that transwomen are female. It has nothing to do with being kind or understanding or I don’t know what else. It’s not true. And…

I don’t have an ounce of hate in my heart

I’m a disabled homosexual woman. Those aspects of myself contribute to my oppression and it hurts me personally to ignore these aspects. I have started blogs and social media accounts, reached out to local radfem groups, and I have discussed it with people in my personal life I have lost many friends and loved ones.…

They could have been perfectly happy

I care because there will be a LOAD of young adults in the coming months and years who have been told such appalling falsehoods about the reality of their gender/sex that they’ve gone and had irreversible, experimental surgeries and procedures, when they could have been perfectly happy had they not been encouraged to go that…

I have been a life long feminist.

I care because I have been a life long feminist. I have shared and discussed my views in gender critical feminist groups. I have seen other women get threatened with rape or violence. Juana, bisexual feminist, Argentina

I’m tired of being told to sleep with men and accept “girldick”

I care because I’ve watched my mentally ill friends be neutered and abused by a system that does not care for them. I care because as a lesbian, I’m tired of being told to sleep with men and accept “girldick” and being called a bigot for refusing. I care because the sex responsible for 98%…

My life so far has been defined by abuse

I am twenty years old, and my life so far has been defined by abuse. I endured childhood rapes, intimate partner violence, and PTSD in addition to all the abuse that typically comes from being a woman. Nonetheless, I was strong and made it to where I am today. When I was raped in my…

I was pressured into transition, even though I didn’t believe it

This matters to me because I was pressured into transition, even though I didn’t believe it, and even though I got away from that, a lot of people I know are transitioning at an alarming rate. Women’s rights are being trampled on and I feel there is nowhere I can go if I feel vulnerable…

I care because truth matters

That is to say, why do I care about truth? I care because truth matters. What have I done: Very little. I’ve only ever spoken with close friends in confidence. Zach

I lost a few of my teenage years to identifying as a man

I lost a few of my teenage years to identifying as a man because I did not want to be seen as or be treated like a woman. It’s more common in UK schools than you would think; I can count several other girls who also secretly identified or socially transitioned to a boy in…

We are in a dystopian, totalitarian scenario

If we can’t defend something as basic and obvious as sex then we are in a dystopian, totalitarian scenario. I was horrified because I knew, deep down, that I agreed with the uppity feminists, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find any evidence that they were wrong. So eventually I accepted myself…

I’m much more on fence on this issue and am only 18

As I take this survey, I will let you know I don’t think I’m the right demographic. I’m much more on fence on this issue and am only 18, so there is a lot of time for me to grow and change I hope. But I’ve heard from people who have met you that you…

Now I’m going to try and be as strong again

My ex had autogynophilic tendencies and used this as part of decades of domestic abuse including sexual.   After being told that he was most likely a malignant narcissist with psychopathic tendencies i started to see parallels with  TRA attacks that I’d started to see happen. He had enforced language changed etc from very early on…

This gender ideology seems profoundly irrational and unscientific to me

This gender ideology seems profoundly irrational and unscientific to me, it feels like part of a wider effort to roll back women’s freedoms and ability to participate in society at a time when misogyny is on the rise. I’ve talked to friends about this, I’ve been more active on twitter. Eleanor, mother, angry

I am seeing the existence of my sexuality be denied

I care because as a woman I am seeing all of the hard-earned rights feminists have worked tirelessly for be diminished before our eyes. I care because as a lesbian, I am seeing the existence of my sexuality be denied and the definition of it “extended” to include males by people from within the LGBT…

I do not want to see the voices of young women being drowned out

It matters to me because I do not want to see the voices of young women being drowned out. Having seen school girls protesting after boys were allowed access to their spaces, I realised how uncomfortable that would have made me. Furthermore, I believe everyone has a right to voice their view on this matter…

Women are born, not worn

Because as a woman, I want to keep my dignity and safety and having to share locker rooms, hostel rooms, sports etc. with biological men and having to call a biological man she/her even if that biological man rapes me and then decides he feels like a woman, takes away my safety and dignity and…

It makes me angry that people think woman is an identity

I care about this issue because it makes me angry that people think woman is an identity. It makes me angry because I don’t feel like a woman, no one can feel like a woman. It makes me angry because women have been oppressed for so long based on their sex, to say you can…

I find transgenderism borderline cultural appropriation

I find transgenderism borderline cultural appropriation. Men with no idea about any issues women face pretending to be a parody of women. The invasion of women’s sports diminishes any illusion of fairness. The invasion of women’s privacy is an attempt to role back decades of fighting for male-free safe spaces (no concern for female trauma…

As a woman and lesbian sex is important

As a woman and lesbian sex is important. I have engaged in online activities primarily. I have also distributed information in person (leaflets, stickers and chats) I have been shunned and ignored. I have been silenced by simply knowing there will be negative consequences. This is due to wholescale institutional capture in my field. Jane,…

I do not want to pursue a career teaching and professing falsehoods

As an academic in social sciences and, partly, gender studies, I do not want to pursue a career teaching and professing falsehoods. In short, gender identity may lead to a person’s social identity and legal sex to be modified, but her/his genetic and reproductive make up remain unchanged. This, apparently, is contentious to utter. So…

I find it horrifying that “feminist” groups talk about women as “non-male”

This matters to me because I am a feminist and believe women are oppressed based on their sex. If “sex does not exist”, we deny the material reality of women. Also, this would mean same-sex relationships would not be acknowledged anymore. I find it horrifying that “feminist” groups talk about women as “non-male”. Men are…

I carry out small acts of resistance

I care about women’s rights and am also very concerned that we’re carrying out medical experiments on vulnerable kids. The post-truth/thought control side of this is very disturbing to me as someone with a background in 20th-century totalitarian movements. I applied to graduate school to research the issues of gender transition and kids (starting fall…

I’ve been horrified by the levels of groupthink and bullying I’ve seen

I’ve never been happy with masculine gender roles & had a ‘trans’ phase in my teens; I mostly kept it to myself, and it passed. It’s a sad experience to have, but men who have it aren’t women, and can’t speak as or for women – and they can’t literally change sex. I’m alarmed that…

I disagree with the dogma of Stonewall

It matters to me because the real work of the Equality Act is incomplete. Removing sex as a protected characteristic undoes the historical work of feminists and activists. I believe all groups of women (including trans women) have the right to freedom of conscience and freedom of association. I disagree with the dogma of Stonewall…

I hate being told what to think

Firstly, because I hate being told what to think. I was similarly upset about Dawkins’s campaign against religious belief- at a time when I was struggling with the loss of my own; his authoritarian and judgmental attitude, I thought, was terrifying and insulting. Secondly- and paradoxically with reference to the first point – because what…

We are overlooking the legislating away of women and girls’ rights

I worry that in racing to be kind and accommodating to trans people (which I’m all for on a personal level), we are overlooking the legislating away of women and girls’ rights. I am also disgusted at the volume and violence of the misogynistic abuse levelled at women who want to have a public discussion…

I feel that free speech is being stifled in academic environments

This matters to me because I’m scared that the TRA movement is aggressively and perniciously invading the basic human rights of women and children. It further matters to me because I feel that free speech is being stifled, notably in academic environments. I have spoken up on social media, at work and within my union.…

An unethical, dangerous absurdity

Widening the legal definition of ‘woman’ to include men, particularly intact males, is an unethical, dangerous absurdity. Voluntary social inclusion of transwomen by women is fine and good; coerced imposition by male people, regardless of presentation, on female people in situations where they are or expect to be able to be vulnerable (prisons, shelters, health…

I no longer attend political meetings, I no longer vote

This matters to me because I’m acutely aware that, the world over, women and girls still need same-sex boundaries, spaces and rights for safety, privacy and dignity. We fought for those same-sex rights for our own protection and our need for them has not changed. I have been frequently and openly vocal – online and…

Women fought for sex-based rights for good reasons

I care because women fought for sex-based rights for good reasons.  I feel strongly that the degree of vitriol, diminishing of voice and violence and is frightening. And I want to stand up to it.  But I am scared.  And then cross with myself for being scared. I have spoken out on Twitter in support…

I am concerned about the erosion of women’s rights to single sex spaces

I am concerned about the erosion of women’s rights to single sex spaces, and about gender non-conforming children and young people being directed to hormones and surgery. I have expressed gender critical views on social media and discussed the issue with friends and family. I was anonymously reported to my employer for alleged transphobia. Kate,…

I am being given labels which I don’t want to use

It’s important to me because as a female I feel as if I’m being erased. I am being given labels which I don’t want to use (such as cis), my identity as I know it is being forced to become something else. I now have to tell people my pronouns, I am female, you can…

I am a social scientist and bad questionnaires make me very cross

I am a social scientist, and bad questionnaires make me very cross. In 2018, became aware that Edward Lord of the City of London corporation was doing a survey to consult on their ‘Gender Identity Policy’. I wrote to the Camden New Journal as follows: “Speaking as a survey researcher, the questionnaire being used for…

Everyone I have spoken to about it in person finds the whole thing bonkers

I’m a female athlete so I first became aware of the issue of transwomen in sport when it was brought up in news articles reporting the Caster Semenya case. It was completely obvious to me that males shouldn’t be allowed to self ID into female sports from personal experience. For example, I frequently finish in…

The promotion of absurdities by policy makers is a gift to political ‘anti-elite’ extremists

I recognise and agree with the concerns of feminists and parents of ‘GNC’ (gender non-conforming) children, but the greater concern for me is the abandonment of the most fundamental principles of rational analysis, normal considerations of responsible policy- making, standards of debate, consistency in ethical judgements and simple recognition of banal facts, in favour of…

I have an abhorrence of totalitarian belief systems and dogma

Because I am a feminist and have an abhorrence of totalitarian belief systems and dogma.  I felt I could not stand by in silence while other women were bullied and persecuted simply for stating facts and for refusing to sign up to an ideological system. I am also deeply troubled by the developmental harms and…

This is gross medical negligence and should not be celebrated as ‘progressive’

I care about this because I am both a woman and a scientist and care deeply against the spread of misinformation. I am also against the normalisation of bodily mutilation of primarily young lesbians. This is gross medical negligence and should not be celebrated as ‘progressive’. I have a Twitter account. I brought this issue…

Women can never fully escape the consequences of their reproductive role

This matters to me because after embracing feminist beliefs for my entire adult life I have now accepted that women can never fully escape the consequences of their reproductive role. This does not make women inherently weak or vulnerable (far from it), but in patriarchal societies it does create periods of economic dependency (on individual…


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