
I care about the rights of women to have spaces of our own

I am a woman and I care about the rights of women to speak about our lived experiences, to have spaces of our own, and to be homosexual without being shamed. I have spoken out on social media and spoken to friends and family to let them know how I feel. I have been shamed,…

Disagreeing with someone does not equal hate

I’m a Christian, and a supporter of free speech. I am dismayed at the increasing intolerance for any unpopular or minority view in the name of “tolerance”. Disagreeing with someone does not equal hate. I believe every person should be treated with full dignity and respect, all of us being created in the image of…

I care because I want female rights protected while helping transpeople live well

I have supported crowd funding for individuals who have lost jobs because of their views. I have challenged individuals in my family and social circle who are supportive of recent trans activism I have been accused of being discriminatory and of supporting people who will  harm the mental health of trans children in particular B,…

This matters to me because women are disadvantaged because of their biology

Accepting transwomen as women undermines the gains that women have made and any future progress. I have tweeted in support of GC on Twitter and re-tweeted to my followers. I have discussed the issue with friends. The only consequences I have had are the usual Shut up Terf etc. on Twitter. Some more threatening than…

A birth certificate should be a legal document of Truth not a pretence

Matters because women are and have been oppressed throughout history all over the world because they are biologically different from men. That is the only reason. We therefore need protections because of this. To redefine the word woman to mean anybody who identifies as such completely removes any legal protections specifically for women. I object…

I used to think very differently

I care because women need to be protected from men and the female experience is unique I am in the process of collecting knowledge. I used to think very differently. I am being very careful with my words. But I would lose many friends. Lena, Germany

I am Canadian and only recently learned of some incidents

I had no idea about the consequences of this.  Am flabbergasted at the vitriol/adolescent-like manipulation of those pushing this on entire populations (my husband either).  I cannot believe women’s words & spaces are being erased.  – the waxing one happened 30 mins from me and I had no idea 🤬🤬🤬.  Liberal Party of Canada voter…

I’ve raised the issues with trusted family members and friends

I’m concerned about sex-based rights for females, and the growing trend of female youth to identify as male, under such confusing circumstances. I’ve raised the issues with trusted family members and friends. Most have been reasonable and appalled at what they’ve heard. I lost a very close friend. C, Critical Beaver, criticalbeaver, Canada

I feel I’m being robbed of my identity as a woman

I feel I’m being robbed of my identity as a woman. I’m not transphobic – I truly believe people should be allowed to live as they want to, but not at the cost of others. Women have fought long and hard to be heard and now we’re not allowed to be called women in case…

I have no reputation or livelihood to lose

I care about this issue for a whole lot of rather different reasons. The first may be defending lesbians from male encroachment on their lives and sexuality. The second may be that I object to any ideology that wants to write the soul (in this case a gendered soul, the one that can be “born…

I organise an annual International Women’s Day rally that is unashamedly feminist

I have been in the struggle for women’s rights for more than 40 years.  Gender ideology undoes the limited gains we have made and erases the possibilities of winning more.  Gender ideology drips with misogyny and lesbophobia and homophobia.  It is an authoritarian and regressive ideology. I organise an annual International Women’s Day rally that…

I stepped off my career path in part because of this

Male violence has colored my whole life. Now that I finally understand that and seek to speak out on it, speaking about males and females or attributing male violence to males is “transphobic.” I am being silenced. I’ve tried to reach out 1-1 with people. I have a sock account where I can speak freely…

I tell everyone I have a conversation with

I care because I’m a woman. If anybody can be a woman, “woman” means nothing and our rights will be obliterated. I care because sometimes females need spaces free of male people, no matter how they identify. I tell everyone I have a conversation with. I’m active on social media. I’ve written to my MP.…

I’m frightened to see these principles being eroded by magical thinking

I care because women as a sex class are being erased, with the intended consequence that we cannot fight for sex based rights we cannot name. I care about children transitioning and ruining their bodies before they know what they are doing. I would have been one of these children if I had been born…

I am already short changed in life as a women

I care because I am already short changed in life as a women. Now I am expected to move aside to accommodate a man who wants to call himself ‘woman’ and me ‘cis’. I joined and attended meetings with WPUK. I follow and post comments on twitter, I follow feminist boards. I have been unfriended …

I care about fairness in sport

I care about fairness in sport and safety in single sex spaces. Mainly twitter posts, the one middle-road article I shared on Facebook cost me an acquaintance. Woman

We are losing rights to sex segregated spaces

This matters to me because the language policing of trans activism is making it harder for women to talk about their lived reality and experiences (oppression , biological issues etc) without repercussion. This matters to me because we are losing rights to sex segregated spaces , which puts women and girls at risk of sexual…

It’s time to reclaim the HUMAN RIGHT to expression

I care about this issue as it affects every single indefinable human beings existence.  UNTIL humanity accepts that every individual person who has ever existed has been robbed, to some extent of complete subjective human expression and in effect self actualisation, under the guise of the dominant MANMADE  Patriarchal CONstruct, of the intentionally divisive fallacy…

I resent that there are no female toilets in some theatres

This matters to me because I feel like women are being erased. I resent that there are no female toilets in some theatres. I resent that some trans women are trying to push women out of Female only sports. Most of all I resent that this is a battle we have to fight. I’m on…

Imposing nonsensical beliefs on anyone is unacceptable

Nonsense should only be for amusement, not to be taken seriously. The whole gender thing is nonsense. Imposing nonsensical beliefs on anyone is unacceptable, especially when it does real harm. I’ve written on my blog, posted my opinion on Twitter and Facebook. I’ve been suspended on Twitter several times, doxxed by a trans activist, sent…

I am worried that medical transition will be the opposite of helpful for her

I could write pages… but to summarise: Firstly, because of the impact on children of being taught they (or others) could be “in the wrong body”, the messing with their heads this involves, the way they are indoctrinated to ignore their normal boundaries around their bodies, private spaces, etc. as soon as someone claims to…

Vulnerable people are being sold a lie at great cost

I care because vulnerable people are being sold a lie at great cost and because of the appalling effects of this on the world’s only oppressed majority – women. I run OBJECT.  We have been out on this issue since 2016. I was in the London Pride action in 2018 and was interviewed for Pink…

I struggled with my discomfort and thought I was being intolerant and bigoted

I care because I’m a woman and a lesbian. After the T crept onto the end of LGB, I struggled with my discomfort and thought I was being intolerant and bigoted, but thankfully radical feminism and attendance at a meeting of WPUK in Sheffield, where I heard Michele Moore speak with passion and compassion, changed…

You can’t fight what you can’t name

I care because as a 64yr old woman with daughters I have experienced sexism and misogyny, I know that this is based on biological sex. I know our own history as women, I know how our biological sex and it’s functions (esp menstruation) are at the root of our oppression. You can’t fight what you…

I’ve sacrificed my career, my reputation and at times my sanity

I’m a lifelong feminist and trade unionist so I care deeply about the sex based rights of women and girls and our freedom to politically organise and discuss issues that impact us and our access to single sex services. I’ve sacrificed my career, my reputation and at times my sanity. I have written blogs and…

If they win I won’t have a noun to describe myself

I care because if they win I won’t have a noun to describe myself. the word woman will be meaningless as it could equally apply to a man (see Scottish Government’s recent decision that when it says it is committed to 50% women on public boards, women also means transwomen and not just GRC holders…

I am worried about the loss of single sex spaces

I am worried about the loss of single sex spaces, fearful of the future for girls who not be able to have boundaries and angry about men stealing sporting chances from women athletes. I have done very little as I don’t feel I can express myself well enough to raise my voice. I have used…

I don’t want to live in a society not based on reality

I don’t want to live in a society not based on reality. At the moment I feel almost passive aggressive in how I talk about this. I use social media mostly but do not know how to put what I think in to words- and also not sure if to as it would not reach…

It pisses me of that men transitioning late in life are going into schools and talking to girls about working in STEM

I care because it pisses me of that men transitioning late in life are going into schools and talking to girls about working in STEM. Completely ignoring their male privilege and the things that girls have to endure, ongoing low level objectification/harassment, assault, periods and associated pain/bleeding/flooding/mood swings/impact on concentration. I talk to friends, carefully…

I am worried about the impact on children

I care because of the impact on women’s and girl’s safety and rights. I am worried about the impact on children. I have done very little as I am in a very vulnerable situation. My husband agrees with my stance but cannot cope with me talking about the issue. So I cannot discuss it with…

I care as a woman losing what used to be single sex spaces

I care about the harm being done to children and young people especially girls – physical and mental damage as well as misinformation. I care as a woman losing what used to be single sex spaces. I have complained to the body administering a post graduate student survey when gender id was a required answer.…

I dread to think what would become of me now

I care because I am unwilling to give away my rights and those of my daughter, granddaughter, other family, friends, in fact every female of any age. Women (and some men) fought hard to get the rights we have, the least I can do is protect them, and even strengthen and improve them, for the…

Women’s rights are new, fragile and threatened

I care because women’s rights are new, fragile and threatened. And trans ideology is not only dangerous but absurd. I actively support Speak Up For Women, a New Zealand group fighting against sex self-id. I have lost clients, been threatened, been smeared by activists and by journalists working in national mainstream media. Sunil W, self employed/…

How can anyone not care about that?

I care about this issue because it erodes women’s sex-based rights and causes harm to people who will end up regretting medical transition. Gender identity ideology is incoherent and implicitly relies on, and promotes, regressive sexist stereotypes. Legislating that people must regard male people as female or vice versa is profoundly illiberal and undermines freedom…

I’m from a relatively poor country (India). Girl children are killed at birth

Sex based protection of women is so important to me. Biological facts are important to me. I’m from a relatively poor country (India). Girl children are killed at birth. Ultrasound sex determination is illegal. Life is often misery for girls and women since they are born. Only the privileged can afford to lose the definition…

I have been utterly ignored by all editors

This matters to me because single-sex spaces are a human right. I have discussed the topic in private, and written polite, fact-based letters to the editor. I have been utterly ignored by all editors. Apparently, the press isn’t interested in readers thinking for themselves and asking critical questions. (Unless they are celebrities, of course.) Anonymous,…

I am strongly invested in women’s rights

As a woman. feminist and mother to three daughters, I am strongly invested in women’s rights. I’ve spoken to MPs (I’m fortunate to have access), shared information, raised the topic and amplified others’ voices on social media. I also speak with my daughters. I’ve been abused on social media. Joanne H , Feminist, woman, mother…

We have fought for centuries for our freedom

I’m a woman and we have fought for centuries for our freedom. I do not want to see us destroyed from the inside out or taken over by men in any way, even by those who think they are like us. I messaged one friend who I know will understand where I’m coming from. I’m…

I have no intent to harm anyone else

This matters to me because women have fought so hard for separate spaces where we can flourish. I have no intent to harm anyone else, and want people to live their lives as we see fit however I cannot, in good conscience, let this alone. I have spoken personally with people when I feel safe.…

My housemate is trans

I care because women’s voices are being silenced and children and young people who may be confused about their sexuality and gender identity are being encouraged to undergo potentially dangerous treatments in the name of conforming to rigid gender roles. I have spoken out on my own political blogs and on social media. I’ve been…

I’ve delivered a talk to a local group

I care because women’s rights, protections, safe spaces, sports and the right to discuss and campaign regarding our physical issues – ie menstruation, pregnancy, Abortion, contraception etc. All are being undermined by trans demands. All are suffering from self ID. I’ve spoken up on social media. I’ve had an exchange of emails with my MP.…

I worry for vulnerable women

I find the denial of the existence of biological sex so insane. A lot of people, including trans people themselves seem very confused about the differences between sex and gender. I worry for vulnerable women and the issue of single sex spaces, I worry for gay people, I worry for kids pushed into thinking they…

I have been smeared and my views have been misrepresented

I care about this issue because it’s an assault on women’s rights. The longer I have been involved in reading, researching and writing about it the more it becomes clear that women’s rights are in a perilous position. Nobody at the top level is keeping an eye on enforcing legislation which protects women and girls.…

I have been speaking to friends, and trying to learn more about the issue

Sex based protections are still required. It wouldn’t matter if biological women were as generally safe as biological men, but we are not. I have been speaking to friends, and trying to learn more about the issue. I have started following more gender critical people on social media, as they often ask the same questions…

I fundamentally disagree with genderist ideology and all it entails

I care because I fundamentally disagree with genderist ideology and all it entails. I believe it to be anti-science, anti-material reality, deeply misogynistic, profoundly damaging to children and the biggest threat to the sex based rights of women and girls that I’ve seen in my lifetime I write to MSPs, contribute to crowdfunders and take…

I didn’t get the chance to finish before I was cut off

This matters to me as I have two young daughters and I am scared for their futures if sex based rights as girls and women are removed. I disagree with trans women participating in women’s sport for reasons for fairness and safety. I worry about the safety of women and children, myself and daughters included,…

Sex-based rights matter to me

As a female keeping hard won sex-based rights matter to me. As do single sex spaces in hospital wards, prisons, schools and shops. I speak and have conversations offline mostly with men. Jane Bloggs, Raising awareness by talking with the family

2+2 does not equal 5

The main thing that concerns me about this issue is the undermining of material reality. 2+2 does not equal 5 and I refuse to be coerced into saying it does. I’ve written an article. I tweet. Just experienced infantile digs about my age/appearance on Twitter. P, Biologist

If we deny sex we deny female oppression

Biological sex is the basis for female oppression. If we deny sex we deny female oppression. I’ve spoken to friends. Posted on social media pages. I have been blocked and deleted by a few long term friends. I am terrified of being doxxed and having my business ruined. It is a catering company and many…

If women and girls are not safe, nobody is safe

I don’t want to see women’s hard fought rights eradicated by a cynical woman hating agenda. If women and girls are not safe, nobody is safe. I’ve responded on social media. Responded to consultations. I’ve challenged high profile people and institutions. Discussed with family and friends. I’ve experienced being piled on by TRAs. Recently falsely…

Biological reality matters

I care because I am a woman, because I care about other girls and women, and because biological reality matters.  I have shared articles on closed/trustworthy groups. I briefly raised the new Relationships and Sex Ed guidance with my child’s school teacher (but at the end of a meeting about a different topic) and shelved…

If we can’t talk about it, we cannot fight it

I care because the rights of women and girls matter. Our biology is the cause of our oppression and if we can’t talk about it, we cannot fight it. I care because children are being forced onto life long medical pathways. I have marched, tweeted, had real life conversations, written to my MP (repeatedly), donated…

I had an eating disorder and I think body dysphoria is very common

I care from a few different perspectives. As a mother, as I do think that the trans trend is, in a way, conversion therapy convincing gay young people that there are in the wrong body instead of helping them thought the tumultuous period of adolescence. I had an eating disorder and I think body dysphoria…